Become A Registered Speaker

Become A Registered Speaker

ProcurementCon, BizCon, and BizTalk are all small business development brand events that focus on providing education, resources and connections for the small business community.

ProcurementCon is our annual regional events focused predominantly on government contracting at federal, state, and local levels.  These events bring purchasing representatives from various agencies, small business support resources, prime contractors, SBLOs and seasoned entrepreneurs under one roof.

During these one or two day events, entrepreneurs and small business owners have the opportunity to take advantage of panels, workshops and lectures as well as get started with the certification process.

Each ProcurementCon event is different, hosted by a different agency and may include such things as a showroom floor, entertainment, virtual learning, and lectures by some of the best in the industry.

Our ProcurementCon events are targeted for the autumn and winter months, and we begin planning a year in advance.

BizCon events are regionalized events serving county and local business communities.  These events, like ProcurementCon are often partnered with an agency or resource partner, but are different in the theme.  Whereas ProcurementCon is heavily weighted on government contracting, BizCon is 50% small business development, 20% start up and 30% gov contracting.

The size and service area are the only thing different from ProcurementCon.  Topics, formats, and possibilities are the same.  Our BizCon events take place over the course of one day only and may include a showroom floor, virtual learning, and moderating networking events.  The possibilities are limitless.

BizTalk events are not all day events, these sessions are as short as two hours or as long as four and can be licensed out and held by any organization with a focus on small business development.  Whether we coordinate and produce an event or another organization produces the event, the direction is always the same.  Put 5 to 15 people center stage to talk about their journeys, how they achieved success, what the future of business looks like, or any other topic that inspires entrepreneurs to action.

BizTalk events are hyper local, and it is our goal to ultimately have a BizTalk event in every county across the country.

So here's the ask... We're looking to build a pool of trusted and proven expert speakers from across the business world.  Doesn't matter what industry you're in, nor who you work for.  Our goal is to create a go-to list of seasoned, mentors and experts that we can call on as we produce these various events.  Doesn't matter if you're hyper local, nor where you are in the country.

Are we paying you? No.  Are you paying us to score workshop space at an event?  No.

If you're interested in becoming a registered speaker with the ProcurementCon brand family, email us at [email protected] and we'll get back to you with details.